Jumat, 15 Januari 2010


Jingga accidentally hits his thumb with a hammer and cries out: OUCH!
This is actually not a word but it stands for a sound that expresses pain. It is called an interjection. The list bellow contains the most commonly used interjections in English.
Aw! expresses protest, disbelief, disgust or pity. Example: Aw, you poor little dog!
Bah! an exclamation of contempt or annoyance. Example: Bah! That’s nonsense!
Bingo! indicate approval of the second speaker’s sudden understanding or correct response. Example: Bingo! That’s just what I meant!
Duh! expresses annoyance at the dullness or stupidity of a previous comment. Example: “Elephants are bigger than mice.” “Duh!”
Er ... / Hmm ... is used to express or represent a pause, hesitation, uncertainly, etc. Example: His name is er … Radit, I think.
Oh, my! / Ah! / Oh! / Ooh! shows pain, surprise, pity, complaint, dislike, joy, etc., depending on how is uttered. Example: Ah! (Oh!) That’s so beautiful! Oh! Is also used to attract the attention of the person spoken to. Example: Oh, Lara, will you take these books?
Hahaha! an exclamation or representation of laughter, as in expressing amusement or disrespect. Example: Hahaha! That’s so funny!
Huh? Expresses surprise, bewilderment, disbelief, contempt or interruption. Example: So, he thinks he cool, huh?
Oh oh! used to show surprise or anticipation of something unpleasant. Example: Oh oh! here come Miss Fussy.
Oops! used to express mild alarm, embarrassment, etc., as at one’s own mistake, a clumsy act or social blunder. Example: Hey, Karin! I’m over here … Oops! Sorry I thought you were my friend Karin.     
Ouch! expresses sudden pain or unhappiness. Example: Ouch! Stop pinching me!
Phew! indicates disgust, exhaustion, surprise, impatience, relief, etc. Example: Phew! it’s hot in here!
Sh! / Shh! urges silence. Example: Shh! Be quiet. Baby’s sleeping.
Tsk! Tsk! used, often in quick repetition and accompanied by head shaking, to show contempt, disbelief, impatience, etc. Example: Tsk! Tsk! How careless of Satria to leave his car unlocked.
Uh huh! Expresses agreement, confirmation, attentiveness or general satisfaction. Example: “Do you understand what I’m talking about?” “Uh huh!”
Uh uh! shows disagreement, disapproval or dissatisfaction. Example: Uh uh! Leave those flowers alone, Kia or mama will get mad at you.
Whoa! used to hold back or restrain a person (similar to: Wait a minute!). Example: Whoa! Not so fast, Luna. Tell us again how it happened – slowly.   
Wow! shows surprise, wonder, pleasure, etc. Example: Wow! Look at that! That’s so awesome!
Yo! used to get someone’s attention, expresses excitement, greet someone, etc. Example: Yo! Duta! I’m here! Also meaning “here” or “present”. Example: (Teacher taking attendance) Yuri! (Student responding) Yo!
Yuck! / Ugh! / Eww! / Yikes! an expression of disgust or dislike. Example: Yuck! (Ugh!) Not broccoli again! / Eew! (Yikes) How gross!
Yum yum! / Yummy!  Mmm! expression enjoyment, satisfaction, especially in the taste of food. Example: Yummy! Chocolate pudding for dessert.

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